- 2016.05.27
- Mineral plus-5
Nowadays, minerals are reassessed in terms of how important role it plays on living creature.
Living creatures are made of billions of cells and each one of them is living organism which has intensions so to speak.
In that sence, we human being can stay alive thanks to those cells being in active.
Mineral plus can help in enhancing health and vitality on living creatures in such way that it stimulates on each one of cells and leads to promoting healthy digestive systems which work for mucosal protection by supporting operation of enzyme in body.
To put it more plainly, minrals are nutrients for cells.
Cells are getting weak and would not perform what they are originally capable of with no nutrients.
When we are bitten on our hand by venomous snake, we bind our hand tight.
But, if we keep binding in that way, cells in hands would be destroyed as oxigen and minerals are not getting through to the cells. That is what we call as necrossis.
Mineral plus is produced with blending minerals by virtually the same balance as ones in nature.
In addition, special trace constituents that acquired by our research and development are contained.
High purity minerals allow the koi to absorb necessary minerals without contaminating water and also promote to activate cells so that it gets the fish grow big and enhance skin complexion.
Talking about the minerals a bit further, it can be pointed out that mineral does not solely work on its own but, large variety of minerals work together in combination.
For instance, there is the saying which goes that peoples who suffer anemia should take iron.
But in fact, taking only iron would not be getting better from anemia.
Iron can work the way it should inside body with the help of copper, zinc, lead, cobalt, selenium working together.
It is not possible to produce minerals artificially but only accessible to the nature, earth.
Moreover, it is not sufficient amount from daily feed.
In case of fish, it has calcitonin secretion mechanisim by which fish can absorb minerals directly from the water.
In addition, fish is capable of adjusting minerals concentration with the help of enzyme in chloride cell existing in gills, at the same time fish is supposed to take phytoplankton and zooplankton which contains minerals from its gills.
We assume that there are plenty of phytoplankton and zooplankton so that fish can take sufficient of amount of minerals, thus, allowing fish to grow big and in beautiful complexion as a result thanks to minerals.
Minerals are foundation of all the living creatures.