- 2016.09.01
- Introduction of New Bacteria products [Bacto Power]
As of September 01st 2016, we are planning to start introducing [Bacto Power] to
our product range.
Bacto power is the one which upgrades already well-received Filter Sand.
And its featuring points are to enhance protein decomposing enzyme which literally
decomposes protein causing deterioration of water condition involved with breeding
Nishikigoi, and furthermore, to replace original bacteria with the ones which is of
superior capacity in decomposing ammonia and nitrates.
One of the most reknowned aquarium group highly evaluates the performace of
denitrification by facultative anaerobic bacteria compounded in Bacto Power.
Facultative anaerobic bacteria begins to be in active simply by being tossed over to
Bio sponge without expensive machinery installation.
and it has been verified by our experimental test that it reduced nitrate causing
fluctuation of pH by a quoter in only one month.
Please give it a try to use New product [BACTO POWER] and you can see Bacto Power
will make big difference in improving nishikigoi breeding environment, thus heps in
enhancing growth, beautiful skin complexion as well as for prevention of disease.
How to use, amount of use, price..etc. remain the same as Filter Sand.
We would appreciate for your support to Shinsuke Koi products.