- 2016.10.07
- HOLLAND KOI SHOW 2016 Seminar-5
We are convinced that there is nothing can compare to our innovative products
applying facultative anaerobic bacteria.
Denitrifying process minimizes generating algae and it makes optimum environment
available for Nishikigoi.
Algae is not living only by photosynthesizing but also taking organic matter like
excrements, left-over feed of
Nishikigoi as nutrients.
Therefore, if bacteria decomposes organic substances in advance, number of algae
would gradually decrease
as their nutrients are disappearing.
Please look at prevention of disease from different angle.
From the way of thoughts in eliminating pathogen to improve water condition.
By improving water condition at optimum level, it makes positive impact in growth,
color, complexions on Nishikigoi
Please give it a try to use the best quality in the world Bacto Power.
We are convinced that you can get the results.
Next theme is gas exchange.