- 2018.04.09
- Bacto Power is amazing(Bacto Powerは凄い)-4
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I think that the synergistic effect of aerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria contained in Bacto Power rapidly decomposed sludge containing high concentration organic matter.
The existence of some algae living as a food as a very small amount of ammonia that can not be measured with a regular tester has been said long ago.
This algae inhabited a trace amount of ammonia drifting in the water on the surface of filter media, but ammonia was decomposed to the limit by the efficacy of bacteria and it could not inhabit it.
Some experimental results also show that the amount of sludge has decreased to 1/5 or less even in other koi farms.
The experimental period was as short as one and a half months.
It is thought that the amount of sludge will be further reduced if sprinkling a very small amount of bacteria regularly on filter media.
Organic sludge is part of many factors such as decreasing pH, decreasing bacteria, frequent occurrence of stress on fish, frequent occurrence of disease, and growth inhibition(growth inhibition-2)
I am convinced that it was an experiment proving the performance of high quality bacteria not included in ordinary bacterial products.
Just Amazing Bacteria !
Bacto Powerに含まれている好気性バクテリア、嫌気性バクテリアの相乗効果により高濃度有機物を含んだヘドロを急速に分解したものだと思います。
まさしくアメージング バクテリア !